Sunday, 2 December 2007

Darkside Bursaries Application

I would like to attend The Performance Re-enactment Society to continue my investigations into recollection. I am working towards a PhD with Professor Adrian Heathfield exploring the ‘dance of absence’ in writing on performance. The PhD proposal asks what is left of the live act. I will focus on recreation and representation, recreating the real and recapturing the live. I will explore theatrical reenactment by restaging performances and recreating real life events. From the 1972 amateur version of The Sound of Music in which my parents met to my own Christening.

My work is an illustration of loss and an ongoing autopsy of experience. I use performance, text, film and installation to expose absences and spaces left behind. I am interested in moments where the work ceases to mean and how we reconfigure the meaning at these moments. It is a journey of self-discovery, retracing footsteps and reliving memories.

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